Toward Quantitative Scenarios of Climate Change Impacts in Switzerland
The CH2014-Impacts report presents the results of a concerted effort of 15 Swiss research institutions to describe impacts of climate change in Switzerland quantitatively. Please use the below links to download the report and summary. Data from individual impact studies are available from the data page on this website.

Full report * (English, pdf, 49 MB)
Full report *, high resolution (English, pdf, 73 MB)
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How to cite this report:
CH2014-Impacts (2014), Toward Quantitative Scenarios of Climate Change Impacts in Switzerland, published by OCCR, FOEN, MeteoSwiss, C2SM, Agroscope, and ProClim, Bern, Switzerland, 136 pp.
* Please note that the color scale Fig 7.1 was corrected compared to the printed version.